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When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

When the student is truly ready, the teacher disappears.

- Lao Tzu

No one is coming to save us. We all must become the leaders we are and were meant to be. 

New World Experiment was born out of the need to realize a great vision: restoring hope to humanity.  

Its mission is as vast: Carry this message of hope through education, art, and business. 

On this website you will find information about upcoming events and projects as well as ways to learn more about International Scherick, the first creation artist, who pioneered a path now available to anyone brave enough to walk it. His many explorations led to Prescription for Peace. Join us as we unravel the many mysteries it contains and live it into existence.


New World


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About The Artist

International Scherick is a creation artist, cosmic engineer, master storyteller and visionary. Sharing his teachings and the message of hope he delivers with the masses is a part of New World Experiment’s mission.


"Fun is code word for enlightenment."

- International Scherick

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